Tai Lopez releases an exorbitantly-priced NFT project where people can buy access to him

List of NFTs: "1 on 1 Shadow Tai in Person at His Office
1 on 1 Michelin Star Restaurant with Tai
1 on 1 Whatsapp Access to Tai's Personal Number
1 on 1 Private Jet Trip with Tai
1 on 1 Watch a Movie with Tai
1 on 1 $10,000 HORSE Basketball game with Tai
1 on 1 NBA Game Courtside with Tai
1 on 1 VIP Table at a Top Nightclub with Tai"Some of the NFTs (attribution)
The entrepreneur and motivational speaker Tai Lopez, of "here in my garage, just bought this new Lamborghini" fame, announced a new NFT project. The NFTs feature staggering list prices and promise "value" that all largely center around access to Lopez. Some of the highest-tier "Black Card" NFTs include, "1 on 1 Shadow Tai in Person at His Office" (2–3 hours, travel & accommodation not included), "1 on 1 Whatsapp Access to Tai's Personal Number", "1 on 1 Watch a Movie With Tai" (2-hour movie, Lopez picks), and "1 on 1 $10,000 HORSE Basketball game with Tai", and were presented in a Dutch auction beginning at 80 ETH ($210,000).

Some people in the crypto community responded with disdain at the project, describing it as a "cash grab". One NFT influencer tweeted "Hey @tailopez legit question: Why Would I pay 30-40k to watch a movie with you? or 80-90k for your WhatsApp? Who u think u are? U def have a shady reputation and doing this only adds more fuel to the fire. I respect anyone wanting to add value to NFTs but this is not the way." Others were surprised at the project's smart contract, which not only automatically transfers any money out of the project and into the team members' wallets, but requires the NFT buyer to pay the gas fee for that transaction in addition to normal gas fees for minting.