KyberSwap hacked for $50 million

The KyberSwap decentralized exchange was hacked by an attacker who stole large sums of ETH, wETH, and the USDC stablecoin. Altogether, the assets are valued at around $54.7 million. The attacker was able to exploit a complex bug in a feature for liquidity pool providers. Prior to the hack, KyberSwap had approximately $80 million in TVL.

Shortly after the attack, the thief sent a message: "Negotiations will start in a few hours when I am fully rested." The KyberSwap team later responded to offer a 10% bounty, also seeming to praise the attacker: "You have done one of the most sophisticated hacks ser. That was high EV and everyone missed it."

The thief had other plans, though, ultimately issuing a list of "demands" which included "complete executive control" over the company and "surrender of all ... assets" to the hacker. They wrote that they had big plans for the network, and although they planned to dismiss all executives, they wrote that employees would be offered double salaries to continue their work. The hacker signed the message "Kyber Director".

Meanwhile, KyberSwap regained around $4.7 million after negotiations with the operators of front-running bots, who agreed to return 90% of the funds they obtained through frontrunning the hacker's transactions.