Kickstarter says they "won't make changes to Kickstarter without you" after blockchain backlash... but they will continue with blockchain plans

Kickstarter announced back in December that they planned to completely rebuild their product on a blockchain. It was quickly met with resistance from the community, including some big-name users announcing plans to stop using the service. Two months later, the company published an article titled "We Won't Make Changes to Kickstarter Without You". Despite the title, they did not appear to waver on the blockchain plans, and committed only to "not mov[ing] onto the new protocol unless it has been tested" and to gathering "input" while they move forward with the plans.

Kickstarter's COO, Sean Leow, did an interview with The Beat to discuss the announcement. He seemed to be a little bit confused on the whole concept throughout, and seemed to believe that "open source" is some sort of competing idea to blockchains. At one point he stated, "We believe that that data can be structured in a way through a blockchain where it ... can move in a much more efficient and effective way between services ... in a way that open source doesn't allow". Later in the interview he spoke about governance, saying, "our understanding is that [governance] is done more effectively with blockchain then with open-source."