Kevin Rose loses pricey NFTs to wallet hack

A rainbow scribble, with a filter applied to make it appear somewhat blurryChromie Squiggle #9639, which Rose bought for 16 ETH (~$26,000) in August 2022 (attribution)
Kevin Rose, perhaps best known as the founder of Digg, but also a prominent crypto investor and entrepreneur, lost a substantial number of pricey NFTs when he apparently signed a malicious transaction. The hacker stole 25 Squiggles NFTs, which are trading at a floor price of 13.3 ETH, putting the estimated price based on the floor price at around 332.5 ETH (~$519,000). Rose acquired the Squiggles for between 6.3 and 16 ETH each (~$10,000 to $25,000).

The thief also stole an Autoglyph NFT, which rarely change hands, but which have most recently sold for around 200 ETH ($312,000). Rose had been offering his Autoglyph for sale for 345 ETH ($539,000), but had yet to find a buyer.

Fortunately for Rose, the hacker was apparently unable to steal a CryptoPunk NFT he owned that resembles a zombie. The rare zombie variant of the already pricey NFT have fetched millions — albeit in periods of stronger interest in NFTs.