G2 Esports sues NFT provider Bondly, accuses them of using them for publicity

G2 Esports announced a partnership with NFT provider Bondly in June 2021, through which they planned to release profile picture NFTs that would also provide access to membership perks. Nothing has materialized since then, despite their plans to launch in February. On March 22, G2 filed suit against Bondly, accusing them of agreeing to a deal they knew they could not fulfill, but that would lend Bondly credibility and publicity via the association with the G2 brand. According to the lawsuit, shortly after the first invoice was sent for the rights payments that Bondly was due to pay to G2, Bondly wrote that the company was "past the point of being able to successfully deliver an NFT program". G2 has said the failed deal resulted in $5,250,000 in damages.