Uniswap developer fired over FrensTech rug pull

After pulling off a rug pull that only netted 14 ETH (~$25,900), Allen Lin (known as AzFlin) lost his day job for the company that maintains the Uniswap DEX. Hope it was worth it.

Lin had created a project called "FrensTech", which aimed to capitalize on the popularity of a product called "friends.tech", and which ultimately accumulated the 14 ETH in fees before he decided to drain liquidity. Lin had not tried to conceal his identity. After the rug pull, Uniswap founder Hayden Adams wrote on Twitter: "Wanted to let people know this person is no longer with the company. Not behavior we support or condone."

Lin was unapologetic, tweeting: "got fired from uniswap, but gained 600 new followers and [crypto Twitter] villain status. net neutral tbh".