Bitcoin mining firm sues business partner after they allegedly lose $500,000 in Bitcoin to fraudster

Bitcoin mining firm Sphere 3D has filed a biting lawsuit against its partner, Gryphon Digital Mining. According to Sphere 3D, Gryphon's CEO was fooled by multiple spoofing attacks in which fraudsters pretending to be Sphere 3D executives instructed him to transfer 26 Bitcoin (~$500,000). Sphere 3D further alleges that "Gryphon panicked when Sphere suggested that the incident be reported to law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations ('FBI'), insisted that the issue could be handled between the parties, and demanded that no one report the theft to the authorities."

The lawsuit also alleges that Gryphon has " dutifully collected its exorbitant Management Fee while shirking its duties under the MSA and delivering abhorrent management services" and "skimm[ed] off the top (i.e., st[ole]) from Sphere's assets".