Attacker drains Creat Future tokens through flaw that allows anyone to transfer the contents of another person's wallet

A chart showing the value of $CF/$USDT. The price was steady before briefly spiking and then crashing to near 0CF/USDT pair (attribution)
An attacker stole about $1.9 million after exploiting a bug in the smart contract for the Creat Future token. The contract's transfer function was defined as public, with no validation on the caller, allowing anyone to transfer tokens from any wallet. An attacker quickly exploited this flaw to drain millions of $CF tokens from various wallets, then exchange and tumble them to cover their tracks. The attacker made off with about $1.9 million, and the value of $CF crashed.

$CF was an asset belonging to Creat Future, an early-stage defi project. Some have speculated that the hack was an inside job, and the vulnerable function was added intentionally.