Arkham Intelligence releases "dox-to-earn" project

Arkham Intelligence, a blockchain intelligence company with the tagline "deanonymizing the blockchain", announced the launch of its "on-chain intelligence exchange", inviting people to "buy and sell information on the owner of any blockchain wallet address—anonymously, via smart contract." In the crypto world where transaction data is largely public, maintaining pseudonymity is often a critical part of maintaining safety and privacy. Needless to say, this had a mixed reception, with many terming the exchange "dox-to-earn".

"hey isn't the most profitable use of this just to put a bounty on whale wallets and then kidnap people? like ... did that come up in any meetings?" wrote one Twitter user. "We are now one step closer to onchain assassination markets", wrote another. Others, however, were more optimistic, speaking about "doxx[ing] scammers", "democratiz[ing] tools [the government] already has", and, in the longer term, "accelerat[ing] privacy".